Vision June 11, 2020 Probabilistic lane detection and lane tracking for autonomous vehicles Among the lane detection algorithms required for autonomous driving, this method focus on increase the stability of lane detection in irregular situations by using a probabilistic method #Machine Learning #Vision
GNN June 1, 2020 MolGAN - An implicit generative model for small molecular graphs Application of graph neural net to generate molecular graphs. #GNN
GNN June 1, 2020 Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Clouds Introduce EdgeConv which acts on graphs dynamically computed in each layer of the network. #GNN #Vision
Adversarial Machine Learning June 1, 2020 Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks #Machine Learning
GNN June 1, 2020 The Ways of Node Embedding - Node2vec, DeepWalk Graph node representation methods #GNN #Node embedding
GNN May 25, 2020 Semi-supervised Learning with Graph Learning-Convolutional Networks Thomas kipf's Graph Convolution Network using 1st order approximation of Cebyshev polynomial. #GNN
Image Processing May 18, 2020 Denoising with Frequency Domain Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. #Image Processing #Fourier Transform #Wavelet